Thursday, April 1, 2010

Finally. . . Back again

So I didn't keep up with the blog the first time around. Here is to trying again. Well I've been reading alot of articles lately on these people called the Westbourgh Baptist Church. They are anti-everything pretty much. They are dispicable human beings who should be shot on site for the horrible ideas that they promote. I'm gay so I know what it's like to be protested against, what these people are doing is desipicable. They are what I believe the LORD would call False Prophets. So they protested a funeral . . . of a solider who died in Iraq or Afganistan, and you want to know there reasons? Because our soldiers are dying out there because the USA is toleratant toward the homosexuals. . . OMG, so you basically your saying these young men and women are dying because someone in our goverment is pro- gay rights? Well if that's the case I would really hate to see it if a homosexual person was president. What happens then? The whole world dies? Common now, Wake up, the LORD said love the SINNER not the SIN, and what you are doing is hating both the SIN AND THE SINNER. So what is their pushinment for hating us? Nothing because even though what they are doing is horrible, they are STILL protected under the the BILL OF RIGHTS!!!!! How can we fight them then? That's what I really want to know, some how these people need to pay for the shit they have fucking done!