Sunday, January 4, 2009


Hello, I guess this is my first offical blog. Okay to start out with my life is a bore. . . I help watch my great-grandmother, work at my local Wendy's which has the worst managment ever! A Monkey could do better than oh, IDK I'll call her HY! And I am a "intern" for this clothing store in the same mall as my job called Look'n Good Fashions. I like the intern job BETTER! I mean I have Abraham, Gabby, Austin, and Iris, Plus mom, and her daughter Tia there and they are fun to work with. Like today me and Iris watched The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer. That would never happen at Wendy's! I hate fast food now, I never want to see another burger for as long as I live! Grrr. . . . I hate my job, I feel like I sold a piece of my soul to the devil, just by workjing there! GRRRR. . . So what do I like to do? IDK get a life?!?! Okay so I read a lot too, like I'm reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyers (*SP*) before I watch the movie, then I'll watch the movie, and say how much the movie sucked! I am so tried of these vampire stories tho, I'm going to write my own novel, Lord knows I have plenty of time to do that, so I'll post here, and you give me feed back is that alright for my non-exsitent readers? Maybe one day I'll become famous then ya'll well look back and say wow, look were he is now! Maybe not!

Qoute of the day:

One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.
Mahatma Gandhi

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